November is Foundation Month. It is the time we focus on the value of giving so that we and the world around us may receive, and in so doing, We Create Hope in the World. What an exciting month for us in Rotary.
Eradication of Polio through the Foundation is made possible through the many Pints, Pinots and who knows what else, for Polio this October. We have raised more than $20,000 toward our goal of $100,000 for the District this year, so I hope you enjoyed the parties that we had for polio eradication.
At Roundtable this month we will discuss several aspects of The Rotary Foundation (TRF). This will be a very informative session, though there will be more to be shared at future events, like PETS and the spring Assembly.
So, please do attend the meeting on Nov 11. If two members from your club attend, you will meet one of the criteria for DDF grant eligibility for next year.
And please do remember to give thanks on the 23rd for the world around us, for our family and friends and the work we do in so many ways to make the world a better place.