Yuletide Greetings to all Rotarian, families and friends! Together, we can celebrate our time together and what we have accomplished as a District this Rotary year. We have done much. We have volunteered on many service projects with most clubs creating a project during my visitation.
We packed books and school supplies at Roundtable that are headed for Mexico in November. We held separate ‘Roundish’ table meetings in the north and south areas of the District. We came together to cheer the Rangers on, possibly when they needed it most. We shared in President Gordon’s call for greater awareness of mental health issues confronting those around us. We added Volunteerism as a measurable goal for clubs to celebrate.
And throughout all of these accomplishments we added 74 to our membership. That is as good as we have done in recent years. Clubs and their leadership can feel energized that they are on their way to experiencing a very successful Rotary year. We need to continue our good work by attending PETS, attending the Training Assembly and the District Conference, our major events in the spring half of our year.
For now, let us enjoy the holidays with our family and friends. Happy Christmas, and joy to you in your way of celebrating the holidays.