Now is the time to sign up for the Rotary International Convention being held in Singapore.  The convention begins on May 24 thru 29.  The price will go up in March 31st, 2024.  
This promises to be an exceptional convention, for many reasons.  First of all, we are named Rotary International.  There are approximately 1,400,000 of us worldwide.  Many Rotarians from around the world attend our conventions.  I am expecting a great turn out.  Why, you ask?  Well, one thing, Singapore is an amazing place.  It is very safe, very clean and has some beautiful architecture. 
The first impression when you land at the airport is “Oh my, that’s a waterfall I am looking at!” When I am not listening to the Rotary International President speak, I plan to be having breakfast with an Orangutang at the Zoo.  Last time I was there I had tea with one.  I totally enjoyed myself. 
If you don’t see me listed on your upcoming speakers list, and want to, please ask your president and or program chair to reach out to me to schedule my speaking at your club.
You should find my name and contact information under District 5810 Program Chair for Singapore Rotary Convention 2024.