The Suicide Prevention and Brain Health (SPBH) Rotary eClub invites you and your networks to attend the “gold standard” of suicide intervention skills training, ASIST, on September 13-14 in Addison.
Applied Suicide and Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) is an evidence based two-day face to face workshop that uses audiovisuals, discussions and simulations or “role play situations” to teach attendees to prevent suicide and save lives by learning to recognize warning signs and how to reach out to the person experiencing these warning signs, how to listen non-judgmentally and encourage the person in distress to find what is important to them, to provide skilled interventions and to help develop a safety plan to keep someone alive.

Please share this opportunity with your club members and local law enforcement, schools/colleges, faith communities, hospitals, counseling services, businesses and communities. More than 1.7 million people in the US attempt suicide each year with more than 48,000 dying by suicide.

When surveyed at the last ASIST class offered by our Rotary eClub in 2022, all participants agreed or strongly agreed that, after this training, they were confident they could help a person at risk of suicide and they would be able to do a suicide intervention. All attendees responded that they would recommend this training.

To register, contact Shirley Weddle at or call/text at 972-890-7227.