On a beautiful December day, dignitaries and some Park Cities Rotary members assembled to break ground for the new Bonton Wellness Center. The Bonton area was not only in a food desert, but also in a healthcare desert.

In the past decade the development of Bonton Farms has brought nutritious food, as well as a brighter future, to the area. Several years ago, they planned the next step, to build a Wellness Center. It will include a clinic, classrooms, and other multipurpose areas.
The Rotary Club of Park Cities was one of the first supporters of the project, and pledged $150,000 from their Foundation .Then COVID slowed the project. Before the project could go forward the rise in costs of construction further slowed progress. So, it was truly a bright day when ground could be broken for the new Center. The residents of the area await the completion of the Center and the services it will bring.