Greetings to all Rotarians as we begin another calendar year together! The holidays have been a time to charge our batteries with family and friends, giving and receiving and simply being more than doing.
Now it is time to take up our Rotary Action Plan as we enter the second half of our Rotary year. In addition to the usual resolutions to lose weight and get more exercise, we need to resolve to continue learning about the great reach of Rotary, to continue training to be better at our tasks and to meet our club and individual obligations. We have a great half year ahead. It begins with PETS, continues with the Training Assembly and the District Conference and concludes with the International Convention in Singapore. All the while we get to continue our Action Plan, growing our membership and foundation support and reaching out to our communities, Creating Hope in the World.
This is a great time to be a Rotarian. We give in so many ways and we receive back ten-fold. Please join me and all in the District on this journey.
Together we can make a difference!