There was a large and dedicated team of Rotarians that produced our Annual District Conference, just completed. I want to wholeheartedly thank all who helped this be the wonderful event that it was.
First, thanks to Past Rotary International President John Germ and his wife Judy for attending and providing great encouragement to those who heard his remarks Saturday evening. They attended the Foundation evening Thursday, the golf on Friday and the service project and dinner on Saturday. I hope you all got the opportunity to chat with them.
Thank you to PDG Bill Dendy and Lisa for shepherding the PRIP during their stay with us. Thanks to DGE Regina Edwards for arranging for John to visit the Sam Pak auto museum.
Thank you to Dana Macalik, Conference Chair, for pulling together the many moving parts of the event. Thank you to Dana Mackison and the RYLARIANS , and to Mike Pugh and the Youth Exchange kids who gave us much to think about in these youth programs. Thanks to Darby Neilson for organizing and decorating the venue, the Rockwall Rotary Hall.
Thanks to Chris Knox for donating his trailer to take donations to the Panhandle, for Larry Parks and Kevin Fowler for driving and for James Jackson for providing the hitch. And a great thanks for all the Rotarians who contributed clothing and household items on Saturday.
Friday’s golf tournament saw 57 golfers and 22 of their friends play in perfect weather and celebrate the winners with hamburgers, dogs and adult beverages. Thank you to Rick Scauzillo for chairing the event. By the way, the winners are;
Low Gross Team - Dallas Rotary
Low Net Team - Rockwall Breakfast Rotary
Longest drives – Greg Blair and Mary Grubbs
Closest to the pin – Curtis Schaibly
Thanks to Pam Blankenzee, our web leader and to Happy Franklin, my aide, both of whom gave needed assistance and encouragement as the event planning moved ahead.
And last but by no means least, thanks to Sandra Moudy Devlin, our Registrar for all the events, who kept me on my toes and informed of all the people who were signing up for the several parts of the Conference.
If we made any money at all, and it was not programmed to raise money, we will be offering it to the Panhandle recovery, being led by District 5730. Thanks to all who contributed and all who attended, and to all who had FUN at the District Conference.
District Governor John Curtis