Rotary Club of Wylie East Fork enjoyed a visit from District Governor John Curtis, his lovely wife Janie, and District Governor Elect Mary Bedosky at our weekly luncheon in December. Everyone had fun with our group's silly antics during "fine" time, and commented what a relaxed, friendly, and close group we have. It just so happened to be the DG's birthday and we were lucky to celebrate the day with him.

After lunch, we organized a service project for the Hartman Elementary teachers by fulfilling a list of necessary school supplies they tend to run short of at the end of the first term. We packed up pens, pencils, post-its, tissue, crayons, glue, and every school supply you can imagine! John and Janie helped build the "School Supply Cake" seen in the photos. We love helping our adopted school and hopefully brightened the beginning of the Hartman Cool Cats year!