Public image is the key to creating a lasting impact and attracting both members and community support. The Public Image Champion Games have been meticulously designed to empower Rotary Clubs to master the art of self-promotion through five engaging tasks. 2023-24 Public Image Champion Games
There are only five tasks. We KNOW you can get them all done before the May 1 deadline. Each level game introduces you to tools and resources to promote your Club to your members, around the District, your community and Rotary International.
By participating in these engaging tasks, your club can not only boost its visibility but also refine its communication strategies for a lasting impact. Join the Public Image Champion Games today, and let your club's story inspire the world!
Thank you to all the Clubs have submitted the content for this year's challenge! All stories submitted to the newsletter count as content for the games.
Check your PI Champion Status
Check your PI Champion Status